A Message From Dean Assad on Racial Injustice

Dear Pitt Business Community:
Words fail us as we witness, to our horror, a world tragically out of joint. The unprecedented carnage of the pandemic is now exacerbated by an all-too-familiar reminder of the pain inflicted by systemic racism and inequalities in our country. We are living through a harrowing chapter of our lives.
I stand with the leadership of our University in condemning racism in all of its repulsive manifestations. This is a time to look both outward and inward. Looking outward, we voice our solidarity with the African American community in the wake of the brutal killing of George Floyd. Looking inward, we should reflect on what we can do to step up our commitment to inclusion and equity.
Our school shapes the business leaders of tomorrow. As students and alumni, you have the power to champion change in the business world, to overcome deep-seated prejudices, and to shift the narrative to embrace inclusion. As faculty and staff, we have a duty to educate ourselves, so we can grow with you. We are fighting the same battle against injustice. It is imperative that we do better—as a school, as a University, and as a country.
I realize that at this juncture, many of us are overwhelmed, frustrated, and angry. Do not harbor these feelings in solitude. Lean on each other and reach out for help. Consult the resources available to you, some of which I have listed below.
In solidarity,
Arjang A. Assad
Henry E. Haller Jr. Dean
372 Mervis Hall
3950 Roberto Clemente Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
412-648-1556 ?aassad@katz.pitt.edu
Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI)
Life Solutions for Faculty and Staff