Are you feeling overwhelmed about preparing for the Spring Pitt Business Career and Internship Fair? Take our simple, but most important piece of advice – plan ahead.
Here are a few ways to prepare:
Have your suit ready: Prior to the career fair, plan your outfit accordingly. Business professional dress is required for the Career Fair, so be sure to give yourself enough time to purchase items. If you left your suit at home, have it shipped to campus! If you are in need of professional attire, the Career Center’s Career Closet is a service that lends suits, blazers, shirts, ties, and other professional accessories to help you look your best. You can schedule a Career Closet appointment here.
Have your resume written, reviewed, and printed: A resume should not be put together the night before the career fair. Your resume is a critical snapshot of you as a candidate. Take the time to visit the Career Development office to get your document reviewed, or sign up for RESUMANIA here. Don’t forget to print plenty of copies!
Rehearse your elevator pitch: Students dread the “tell me about yourself” question. When the pressure is on, it can be difficult to answer confidently. Write out your elevator pitch for each employer you plan to talk to. Stand in front of a mirror and practice saying it a few times out loud. Memorizing it will help your confidence when saying it to recruiters.
Research: Knowing the company and what they do will help you stand out to recruiters. Take some time to explore company websites, social media, recent news, and their competitors. This research will go a long way. Ask them a question based on the research you have done. This shows your level of preparedness and interest in the company.
Develop a strategy: Career Fairs can be overwhelming. There are many tables, little time, and a lot of competition. Before the fair, plan a strategy. Who are the top employers that have opportunities most relevant to your career goals or interests? Visit them first! When you first arrive at the fair, take a walk around. Observe the location of the employers and their traffic. This may help you prioritize your conversations.
Best of luck! Be sure the schedule an appointment on Handshake with Career Development prior to the fair to address any questions.