Happy New Year and welcome back to campus! While everyone is getting settled in and transitioning back from break into a new semester here are some good habits to follow to keep yourself on track and organized.
- Try to begin a routine from the start of the semester. This includes waking up and sleeping at relatively the same time every day. Even though your class and extracurricular schedule may be different day by day, starting and ending your day at the same time will help regulate your body and maintain a routine.
- Remember to take time for yourself each day. Many students are involved in extracurriculars aside from taking classes and days get busy. Self-care and continue to keep yourself in a good mindset throughout the semester. It can be difficult to stay motivated especially during the winter season, however, do your best to remain optimistic and in a healthy headspace for the duration of the semester.
- Maintain a good balance between work and play. Remember to organize your time throughout each week and plan to separate school/work from your social time. Completing your work to the best of your ability is equally as important as taking time off to enjoy college life with your peers. Continue to participate in activities that bring you joy and take your mind off academics.
- Keep your environment clean and organized. Being around an uplifting space makes a huge difference especially with motivation and mental health. Something that helps me personally is putting down all my assignments and exams in a calendar right when I get my syllabus for each class. I have it all laid out for the rest of the semester, and it allows me to stay ahead throughout each week.
- When feeling overwhelmed make sure you ask for help! Talk to staff from the Career Development office, your professors, or your advisors about any personal difficulties. There are resources and people in place to help you!
- If you are applying for internships or full-time positions, make an appointment with Katya Slater from the Career Development Office to review your resume/cover letter and practice with a mock interview. You can make appointments on Handshake. (Handshake > Career Center > Appointments > Schedule a New Appointment)
Overall, keep your mental, physical, and emotional health in check throughout the semester. Take your responsibilities day by day and make sure not to “overdo” anything. We encourage you to remain balanced with everything in your life to ensure you are not pushing past your capacity. Good luck with your semester!